
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

joscar testing request

Sunday, January 15th, 2006

Two requests for testing on the joscar branch in Adium (located at branches/adium-joscar in the repository):

1. I need people to test .Mac and ICQ. I don’t have accounts on either of these services, so I’d like someone to check and verify that my educated guesses worked out.
2. I need people to test it on Intel. I have no reason to think it’d be broken, but I can’t be sure unless someone tests it.

If you can do either of those, check out the source and try it out. Recent trunk builds (IE: as of now) detect converted joscar accounts and make them back into libgaim accounts.

If something breaks, let me know by emailing durin <at> sbcglobal <dot> net with subject “joscar test” and list what you tested.


Having trouble building?

Wednesday, January 11th, 2006

Some people are reporting a build error in SVN, with a couple of missing symbols (kSCPropNetProxiesProxyAutoConfigEnable and kSCPropNetProxiesProxyAutoConfigURLString) in Frameworks/AIUtilities\ Framework/Source/AISystemNetworkDefaults.m. We know about this, and there’s nothing we can do about it — the declarations of these symbols were incorrect in the headers that came with Xcode before 2.2, and were fixed in that version.

So if you’re having this error, it means your Xcode is out of date. Update to 2.2 release (one person was using a seed of 2.2) and then try it.

A couple more quick points about the badges

Wednesday, January 11th, 2006

The status menu item with badge does not have its own badge icons — it uses your selected status icon pack. So if you change to a different status icon pack, the badge will change with it.

Also, if you replaced your EMD images, the new ones will still be used under the badge.

Quick note

Tuesday, January 10th, 2006

At least one person doesn’t know what I mean by ‘badged’ in the status menu item. Set your status to Away or Idle or Invisible and you’ll see it.

The badge is in

Monday, January 9th, 2006

I just committed the revised badging code. SVN users, update to at least revision 14849 14850 to see what it looks like.

I want you to use this for at least a couple of days, up to a week. Compare it to how you liked the previous EMD icon (status-icon-only). After you’ve given it time and reached a decision, drop us a line — you can find out how at the ContactUs page on the wiki.

UPDATE 4:22 PM: There was a bug (unrelated) in 14849 that kept Adium from launching. Update to 14850.

Opinions, please

Friday, January 6th, 2006

Those of you who run our current SVN source may have noticed that the EMD (the status menu item which displays in the top menu bar: the Evil Menu Duck) has been in a bit of flux recently. Evan changed it to use a status icon only. I think this looks a bit plain, so I changed it to have a badge. Evan thinks this looks ugly, so he reverted it to the status-icon-only.

So Evan and I worked out a plan — a request for those of you currently running SVN.

  1. Over the next day or two, I want you to pay attention to the EMD in different states (available/away/idle/invisible/offline), and think about how you like it as a status icon only. I mainly want you to use it normally.
  2. Then I’ll commit my current implementation (which brings back the badging, but now resized to no larger than the lower-right quadrant of the Duck). I’ll give that a week.
  3. Then I want you to email feedback (at with your opinion: which one do you prefer, and why? What do you like and dislike about the status-icon-only version, and what do you like and dislike about the badged version?

Thanks for your help.

Ducks Gone Wild: Adium X 0.87

Thursday, December 15th, 2005

I was under the impression it was an early Hanukkah gift, actually, Colin, but whatever you’re celebrating — even if it’s just the end of the year — here’s our present to you: Adium X 0.87 is now available for download.

Besides a slew of tasty bug fixes [including such popular ones as blocking/unblocking behavior, proper display of the current rather than the previous away message in message windows, and ICQ nickname retrieval], Adium 0.87 brings improved Off-the-Record encrypted chatting with OTRv3 and better fingerprint verification handling and welcomes Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian English, and Polish users to join the international Adium community.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our site and AdiumXtras host Network Redux, our Trac and Subversion host Penguin Militia Networks, and our download host CacheFly. All three are thoroughly awesome 🙂



Thursday, December 15th, 2005

Blake Burris over at CocoaRadio will be interviewing Evan and me in the near future. If you’ve got any questions you want answered on the air, feel free to post them in the comments on CocoaRadio. Get some awesome questions in there, people!

Oh, and expect your Christmas gift from us a little bit early this year 😉 Happy Holidays!

Translator wanted

Tuesday, November 29th, 2005

OS X supports tlhIngan Hol… do you?

Support & Development (Trac) downtime

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005

Trac, the Support & Development tab, is temporarily down for server upgrades. It’ll be back ASAP 🙂
Trac is back up and better than ever.