Sunday, October 19th, 2003
Wow, well, congrats to us 😀
Since I mentioned IRC in the commit log, I should probably tell you how to get on 🙂
You can download any number of wonderful IRC clients for mac. Check VersionTracker for some good ones. I recommend iRC, Ircle, Snak, X-Chat Aqua, and Conversation. There are also command line clients, like irssi, ircII, and BitchX.
Once you’ve got an IRC client, you should read the instructions that come with it for connection to a server. The server you want to join is “” (without the quotes). Then, join #adium. You should be able accomplish this in any client by typing /join #adium ( you might also be able to click on a button or something, I don’t know what IRC client you have ;-)).
Hang out in there, please 🙂 We’ll have a rockin’ good time in there, and who knows, you might be able to influence us developers a little 😉