
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Tuesday, October 7th, 2003

The super duper top secret project will get underway very soon :-). I’m getting the patchfile for it, we just need to decide if we’re gonna have a snapshot or do some mad haxor checkout thingy.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, guess ;-). Adam’s new prefs are sweet and chunky, by the way 😀

Saturday, October 4th, 2003

One Mode to rule them all; One Mode to find them

One Mode to bring them all and in the tab bars bind them

In the Land of Panther where the windows lie.

Saturday, October 4th, 2003

While our extensive preferences win us a lot of users, they lose us a lot of users as well. The problem is that they are just too complicated, and that there are way too many of them. 🙁

So, I’m working on revamping them. The goal is to have basic, ‘Mom Friendly’ preferences without sacrificing the customizability that advanced users have grown to love. How do we accomplish this?

Well, the plan is to create an ‘advanced’ category on the preference window. This category will house all the complicated preferences that wouldn’t make it into the release of an Apple product, organized in an easy to navigate list. The other categories will be slimmed down and simplified as much as possible, until they reach an iApp/Mom friendly state 🙂

This will let us have easy to use preferences, with a treasure cove of customization concealed in the advanced pane for all that wish to find it. With these changes in place, it’s likely that more preferences will appear, since we no longer have to worry about them interfering with the non-advanced users.

I’ll try and keep everyone up to date on the progress.

Saturday, October 4th, 2003

Draggable tabs are incredible! 🙂 They’re so much more intuitive than using the contextual menus, you guys are going to love em.

::thumbs up to Evan::

Tuesday, September 30th, 2003

Drag and drop of tabs has turned out to be a pretty big project, so I’ve been working on other things whenever I got frustrated. After an “evening” of studying neurobiology until 5 am, I needed something light to waste time one… so I’ve been extending our sound controller to be a sweet text-to-speech manager.

It turns out that Apple’s API for dealing with speech is absolutely horrible, but I’ve learned it as I’ve bug-fixed and extended the basic framework that Raphael Sebbe wrote as a Cocoa wrapper to Apple’s speech manager. We should now have access to changing voice, pitch, and word rate (later on) as well as switching back to the systemwide defaults. I’m going to set up per-buddy preferences for voice and pitch and then commit. Hope everyone enjoys 🙂

Tuesday, September 30th, 2003

Everybody, please.

The new message view is a work in progress. It was included so people could provide feedback on the new layout after actually using it, and offer any suggestions for improvement.

As stated on the forum many times (and on the developer blog), preferences are coming for the view. They are planned out on paper here by my desk, waiting for a chunk of free time large enough to implement them.

Monday, September 29th, 2003

There are two crashers in the current binary (Related to links and closing the contact list) … both have been fixed in the newest source, and should be in the next binary that goes up.

I also want everyone to know about the new ‘push’ feature, which allows you to temporarily set aside a message you’re typing.

Here’s the scenario: You’re typing a long message to someone, when they interrupt with a question you want to answer right away. No problem, simply:

1) Stop typing your message

2) Press Command-Cursor Down (Adium will store your current message)

3) Type a response to their question and send it.

Upon sending, your original message will be restored! It’s magic! 🙂

Monday, September 29th, 2003

Holy Bejezzus!

You people really love our blog 😀

BTW, I abandoned that MAAAAASIVE NSDate addition. Waay too much work, for too little payoff. I’ve been just doing random bug fixes and feature requests, waiting for the secret project to start. 😉

Sunday, September 28th, 2003

I’ve fixed a bug in the new message view code that was killing performance. It should feel a couple thousand times faster now 🙂

Saturday, September 27th, 2003

I just realized the last three of my posts have been links to something dealing with the Adium project. (The RSS feed, CVS Stats, and this one).

I’ve added a Wiki FAQ page. It’s rudimentary right now, needs to be integrated either into the tabs or something, and needs some structure/authentication. You can get to it at There is documentation and such at

If you click the green duck, it goes to the help page.

It uses a Wiki engine from

I’d like it to authenticate againsst something, so you can track who made what changes.

On the SQL front, evands has install the SQL Logger, and capacity tried. Both ran into problems with DBD::Pg. Since DBD::Pg is only used once (to load old logs), I’m looking into another solution. Right now kind of thinking Java.

Edit: switched URL