
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Thursday, September 11th, 2003

I’ve got the code for setting Adium’s finder icon moved into Adium 2.0 (so our icon selection will stick like it did in 1.x). My net connection’s not agreeing with me at the moment though, so it looks like it’ll go up tomorrow 🙂

Thursday, September 11th, 2003

Phill would like to show the preference icons he and Jasper Hauser have been working together on. Currently, the icons for accounts, contact list, message prefs, dock prefs, and buddy alerts are done. He requests that people email him with suggestions for the sound and status pref icons. Further previews will be posted as the icons are finished up.

Thursday, September 11th, 2003

Fixed the text sizing problem – ended up being something silly Adam and I both had overlooked. No worries now, though. Alignment issues next (it’s keeping the right-align from the sender field when you paste that in).

Today was away message stuff for me… titles, loading of away messages from within the set away message box via a combobox, and saving of new away messages / editing of previously saved ones. Ironing out the kinks now.

Wednesday, September 10th, 2003

Today has been a day of bug fixes and tweaks 😀

I’ve fixed a few issues that new users would experience on first running Adium:

• Status labels not drawing

• No sounds by default

• No emoticons by default

I’ve also addressed a few other bugs such as:

• Contact list width sizing issues

• Typing status sticking when switching accounts

If you have any other small bugs or first run issues, make sure they’re filed on the source forge bug tracker. The list of know issues is getting small by the day and I know there must be more to fix! 🙂

Wednesday, September 10th, 2003

In case you haven’t noticed, we now have access to CoreSuite.scriptSuite and TextSuite.scriptSuite. All I had to do was add:



to Info.plist. You can now do basic stuff like opening up Adium, and… uh, well, I haven’t played around with it. But you can do stuff, that much I assure you. 😀

Wednesday, September 10th, 2003

So text drag&drop onto the tabs works great now, but as I mentioned in my commit, I can’t get the AISendingTextView to resize properly when text is dropped on the tab (processed in the routine appendToTextEntryView in AIMessageViewController.m). It’s not a line ending issue, as cutting and pasting back in the same text works as expected. I post the same notification that, say, clearTextView does, and that doesn’t do it. I think it might need an [NSTextView edited: range: changeInLength:] call, but it throws an exception that doesn’t make any sense.

Someone, anyone, figure it out…

Wednesday, September 10th, 2003

We’ve got emoticons now 🙂

Wednesday, September 10th, 2003

Colin and I have changed the default status colors around a bit. If you want to see them, trash your Contact Status Coloring.plist file. Now typing is light blue, which turns into dark blue for unviewed content. A few minor changes to the other colors as well.

Tuesday, September 9th, 2003

Well, it seems that my task isn’t so confusing after all. The reason OSA is only on the carbon side is that you implement the OSA components (the perl OSA component gives you system-wide perl support, the applescript OSA component gives you system wide applescript components) in Carbon.

You can use those other OSA components besides AppleScript by hooking on to the Apple Events, and then you just have a popup menu to select the language.

I’m torn about whether to have an In-Adium script editor, or to open Apple’s. If we use Apple’s, it would feel slightly hackish, but it’d be more “standard,” more “integrated” with the OS.

If we use an Inline editor though, we could do our own syntax highlighting, completions, and other neato tricks.

I’m always open to advice. I’ll make a long winded post when I come to a conclusion 😉

My contact info is on the contact page, as always.

Monday, September 8th, 2003

Yup, leave the spaying and neutering to me 😀

After using a version of Adium equipped with the status labels in tabs for a while now, I’ve come to dislike them. Three complaints I have with regard to status labels on tabs:

• They’re very bold, gaudy, and clutter the tabs.

• They clash with the metal.

• They don’t work on the selected tab, and there’s no way to make this look good.

My plan is to regress a bit (no, not back to status circles… not regressing that far :-P), back to colored text. Now that we have embossing on the tabs, I know I can make colored text work. It’s looking great so far… hopefully I can finish and put the changes up tomorrow.