
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Monday, September 8th, 2003

Well, all the cool kids are posting to-do lists.. why not?

• Clean up drag-and-drop on the tabs of text so that the tabs can accept a drop and the tab-switch doesn’t occur immediately

• Add a couple promised buddy alerts, including execution of an arbitrary application or script and selection of an arbitrary sound

• Eat dinner

• Add prefs for the contact list, the message window, and the dock so that any or all of them can have their BLINK tags permanently spayed or neutered. edit: or Adam can have that one. Colin said he’s already working on it.

Monday, September 8th, 2003

Waah, OSA hooking looks so hard and confusing! *grumble grumble, sob sob* I’ve got a little help (thanks Paul! :-D), but it’s still tricky.

It’s got to be done though, so here’s the plan for now:

• Stall as long as possible.

• Seriously think about using a different scripting language, like Lua or Ferite.

• Try to delay by working on something else.

• Ask for help!

Yes, I’m asking you, users, to email me! Send me an email, tell me what you think about those crossed out options up there (especially number 2). If you happen to have experience, and want to help, IM or Email me, please 😛

I’m really not that desparate, but, help would be nice. I’ll manage on my own though.

My contact info is on the contact page (d’uh!)

Update: If I worked at this, I’m sure I could get it done. I’m not asking for pity, just good references and advice 😉

Also, is OSA dead on OS X? I can’t find any references to it on Apple’s site except the Carbon OSA API.

N.B. OSA is the Open Scripting Architecture, of which AppleScript is a Scripting Component. There are Scripting Components for everything from Perl to Ruby to shellscripting.

Monday, September 8th, 2003

My current list of things to do:

  • Track down a bug that causes the PostgreSQL backend to crash on first insert. It only seems to happen with OSCAR or MSN accounts, and could be related to the additional module I use for fast searching. Haven’t been able to reliably reproduce.
  • Make Adium more gracefully handle said backend crash. Currently there’s no way to recover without quitting & restarting Adium, although all Adium-y actions work fine.

  • Make a preference pane.

Edit: The night of homework was looking so good I got one done.

  • Make an in-Adium log viewer, negating the need for the JSP/web stuff if it isn’t wanted. Initially would probably look very much like current log viewer, with a few additions. Part that worries me is the upper-right-hand pane (the distinct dates). That type of data isn’t what a database is designed for, and might be slow. It’s possible it won’t be too slow, and also possible that when PostgreSQL 7.4 comes out, the slowness will go away, due to new indexing capabilities.
  • Improve documentation on performance and vacuuming.

If Colin has his way:

  • Add a sort for most recently talked to
  • Add a sort for most talked to

Sunday, September 7th, 2003

It appears I already have my hands full with the list mentioned previously 🙂

By the way, I’d like to thank Laura Natcher for the wonderful modifications to Adam Betts’ Adiumy Icons. They’re stupendous 😀

Sunday, September 7th, 2003

Yay blog! Sorry, Colin, I beat you to D&D – and I don’t mean adventures with a lawful evil dwarvish politician. Working out a couple bugs and committing in a bit.

Sunday, September 7th, 2003

I hope to put this site up today. A few areas aren’t finished and I’ll be leaving them out (Feedback, screenshots, some other minor things), but I want to get this sucker up so people can get to the binaries. 🙂

Saturday, September 6th, 2003

Well, as you may have guessed, progress on Adium has slowed down a lot. Most people are back to school, and we’re also playing with this shiny new website 🙂

Here’s my personal list of things to do:

• Finish up the 1.x Prefs Importer

• Dragging stuff

• OSA hooks and the like

• Look into Quicktime (secret project :-P)

Oh yeah, there’s this school thing too, but that’s a longer story 🙂

Saturday, September 6th, 2003

Colin’s helped me set up a lot of php scripts that should make mainting this site a piece of cake.

A great example of this is with the binaries… cronnix has a nice script set up on his end to build them, and the website automatically generates a list and links up the newest. This makes it much easier to put new binaries up, so the frequency at which they appear may increase 🙂

And now we have a blog to play with!

Saturday, September 6th, 2003

Welcome the the new Adium website!

We’re still in the process of setting things up, so don’t be suprised if stuff is missing or php errors start popping up everywhere 😀