
Posts Tagged ‘1.2.6’

Adium 1.2.6: XMPP (Jabber) failures

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

Unfortunately, a ‘small’ mistake in Adium 1.2.6 causes major problems over XMPP. We have found and corrected the problem. Adium_1.2.7b1 is available with the fix, [24183].

Please note that this is a beta of 1.2.7. We’ll try to have a release of 1.2.7 out once we’ve verified that there are no other new problems in 1.2.6 (relative to 1.2.5) which should be addressed at the same time.

Please don’t chime in with every old problem, pet peeve, or enhancement request in the comments of this post!

Caveat emptor: As a beta version, Adium 1.2.7b1 will be very eager to update you to the latest beta, Adium 1.3b6. That’s probably not what you want if you’re sticking to Adium 1.2.x. If you install Adium 1.2.7b1, and you want to update to Adium 1.2.7 when it is released, you will need to check manually and update manually. Otherwise, you will continue to be notified of Adium 1.3 beta updates until Adium 1.3 is released.

Adium 1.3b6 is plagued by the same problem as Adium 1.2.6 with XMPP; this will be fixed for the Adium 1.3 beta series in Adium 1.3b7.

Adium 1.2.6: The client version you are using is too old. NOT!

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

This just in! Adium 1.2.6 available less than 24 hours after an ICQ network upgrade rendered previous versions unable to connect. Credit goes to our good friends over at Pidgin for fixing libpurple, our mutual services library, so quickly. 🙂 Libpurple 2.4.3 also fixes several issues with the Yahoo!, Yahoo! Japan, and QQ instant messaging services.

A few other bugs are fixed in Adium 1.2.6, too. A bug which has been around since Adium 0.50 which caused “Contact Came Back” to be displayed sometimes when contacts would sign off has finally been fixed – a single ! was in the wrong place! Also, one of the most common crashes in 1.2.x has been corrected, and message windows will once again remember their position on Mac OS X 10.4. You can check out the version history for all the details.

We’re hard at work on Adium 1.3, which is going to be an awesome release. You can check out the beta or learn about contributing time, code, or money. Remember, Adium is a free, open source, volunteer effort. 🙂

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