
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Friday, September 26th, 2003

I’ve created a fun new service plugin that makes it easy to flood Adium with tons of messages or buddy events 🙂

Just add a ‘Stress Test’ account, and in the provided message window use any of the listed commands. First send a ‘create 400’ to set yourself up some fake buddies. At this point, you can send ‘online 400’ to make all of them sign on instantly!… or try you hand at a ‘msgin 100 20 Hello!’, which will make 20 of the fake buddies send you the message ‘Hello!’ 5 times each, all at once 😀

But wait, there’s more! Evan hinted that 160 windows might be possible at once… but have you ever seen 160 Adium message windows in action?!? You’ll never forget the horrifying experience of a ‘msgin 160 160 Amazing!’ 😉

When you have that many events happening at once, it’s easy to see where the bottlenecks are. (Don’t try the 160 windows unless you’re prepared to force quit Adium :-))

Wednesday, September 24th, 2003

Two windows? Let’s see.. I think I’ve got about 160 people on my buddy list… erm, excuse me, contact list. So one hundred and sixty windows, potentially. 🙂

I’ve been doing some small bug fix type things, trying to hunt down some of the random quits – got the biggest one, which was my own fault in the first place through the multiple window mode. Next on my list, of course, is drag & drop of the message tabs, and probably some optimizations in that department. This week has apparently been for away messages; implemented autoresponse settings for stored away messages (like the old Fake Away option in the community builds), and I’ve spent today reworking the Quick Away window interface.

Wednesday, September 24th, 2003

I suppose I should update everyone on what I’ve been working on…

I’ve been doing some thing very arcane, very boring, and very very frustrating.

For the past week or so, I’ve been attempting to get Adium to honor the timestamp format the user set in the global prefs. This means I have to read the immense global prefs, not something you want to do every couple of seconds (which could happen), so I’ve implemented, in an NSDate addition, a method to return the timestamp the user wants, w/ or w/o seconds. It’s a pain in the arse, because I first check the modification date of the file, then if that differs, I compute the CRC checksum of the file (really speedy with an inline function and a C Macro), and if THAT differs, I read in the Global Prefs.plist file, and then do some creative parsing work on it.

It’s a huge pain in the butt, because it has to be extremely fast. Really, it’s a PITA.

So i’ve been getting quite distracted from Adium due to procrastination. Also, this week is Layout week for the School Newspaper, so I’m getting home around 7PM every day (which is pretty late).

I was working on single window mode, but that area really needs to be cleaned up a bit. Some of the common stuff should be moved in to AIUtils, and it should be a bit more abstracted. Until then, we’ll have to make do with two windows 😉

Alright, I know you’re bored of hearing me type, so I’ll end this. Another update when I feel like it 😛

Wednesday, September 24th, 2003

New message view is up in the cvs, along with some other changes:

– Decreased the ‘hold’ time required to initiate a drag

– Improved targeting when selecting text (It should feel ‘correct’ now)

– The view now scrolls when trying cialis canadian pharmacy to select text below/above it

– Added support for double/tripple click selecting to select by word or line

– Resolved some aditional issues making the view feel non-standard

It feels pretty good right now. Still need to hookup the mad preferences and clean up a few things though 🙂

Wednesday, September 24th, 2003

So…I only have to increase my commits by a factor of about 30 to pass Adam? Watch out Iser! Your days are numbered.

Sunday, September 21st, 2003

I ran across a CVS statistics (StatCVS) program today, and it generates interesting output.

I’ve got the output at It autogenerates every hour.

(In case anyone was wondering, Adam has the most commits. Hope I didn’t surprise anyone too badly.)

Saturday, September 20th, 2003

It’s back on!


Friday, September 19th, 2003

Hurricane party at my place. 6,000 miles away from flooding 🙂

Friday, September 19th, 2003

I have no electricity 🙁

Friday, September 19th, 2003

Num nums. Multi/dual/arbitrary window mode is now in place. Not 100% satisfied with the UI for it yet – clearly it lacks drag and drop support for the tabs, and I’m not sure that all the proper menu items exist (or that those menu items which exist are, in fact, proper) so feedback via email or IM is appreciated.